been a long time since I have been this surprised. Very good
performance and a great, great laugh!!" - Kevin Pellicaan, Inside Sales
Rep at EVault.
portion of the EVault World Wide Sales Conference was just brilliant!
You've made a number of fans here!" - Dave Lionelli, Priority Account
Manager EVault.
you Pieter - your presentation was great. I have received much positive
feedback. A perfect ending to a very intense week" - Valerie Fawzi,
Technology Marketing Executive EVault.
"Well done, Pieter! Hilarious!" - Jeff Garrett, Global Microsoft Alliance Manager at EVault.
"Definitely one of the highlights of the week!" - Jonathan Farmer, Cloud Storage and Disaster Recovery Specialist at EVault.
the most part of it, I believed he was really a CEO, the most funny I've
ever seen also..." - Christopher Cook, Latin America Marketing EVault.
"Excellent job!" - Soumya Das Bhaumik, Senior Product Manager at EVault.
"Excellent job!" - Soumya Das Bhaumik, Senior Product Manager at EVault.